Pet Illustration Fundraiser

What is the Pet Illustration fundraiser?

Expressively You’s “Pet Illustration Fundraiser” is a program developed to raise funds for one or two animal charities during a chosen month with hand-drawn pastel portraits mailed directly to customers. 

This program requires a charity to apply online using a Google Form and then Expressively You chooses nine- eighteen charities per calendar year February through October.

What Is a Pet Illustration?

Pet Illustrations (aka Pet Caricatures) are expressive, spirited,  colorful, portrait-bust pastel drawings used to raise funds for a pre-selected monthly charity.

Product Details:

  • custom portraiture created from shared photo headshot and preferences

  • 8”x10” mixed media paper

  • black marker & soft pastels

  • persevered with fixative & polyvinyl sleeve

  • mailed directly with a gift message if desired

I’m A pet rescue- How do I apply?

Complete the contact form to be considered for one of the 10-month spots to raise funds for your pet charity with Expressively You's illustrations mailed directly to customers with 25% of sales returned to the non-profit during the select month.  Every $25 purchase raises $6.25 for charity with only 16 portraits raising $100!  In three years the fundraiser has raised over $8K for pet rescues around the country. 

Frequently asked questions:

What is the overall program? 

Expressively You’s “Pet Illustration Fundraiser” is a program developed to raise funds for one or two animal charities during a chosen month with hand-drawn pastel portraits mailed directly to customers.  This program requires a charity to apply online using a Google Form and then Expressively You chooses nine to eighteen charities per calendar year February through October.

How does it work? Is it remote?

The artist creates and shares graphic design templates, the website order link, portrait samples, and social media post copy via Google Drive and email.  Charity shares information with the community and markets the fundraiser at least once a week post on social media. Use the social media handle @ExpressivelyYou so posts can be shared and commented on. The fundraiser is completely remote with an opportunity for a Facebook live between charity and artist.

What is the price overall? How much goes to charity?

The cost of a pet portrait is $25 for a single portrait with $2.50 for shipping and handling. Select charity earns 25% of each portrait with a tiered incentive system instated beginning in 2025.

Tier 1: 25% on 1-49 portrait orders

Tier 2: 35% on 50-79 portrait orders

Tier 3: 40% on 80 + portrait orders

Typically, for every 16 portraits ordered $100 is raised for the organization. The raised amount will shared via the charity website or a check will be delivered by the second week of the following month.

What is the time /day of the event? Or is this at your own pace?

The “Pet Illustration Fundraiser” goes for the entire duration of the month selected. (e.g. September 1st- September 30th) Lindsey Salzwedel, owner and artist completes the pet illustration upon shared photo and preferences. 

What is the payment process?

Expressively You’s website is used to place all fundraiser orders. 

How do customers share photos and preferences on their custom pet illustrations?

Customers will be able to select preferences for their illustration like color in background, name on portrait, gift message, and shared photo.

Customers can add one or more of the “Pet Illustration Fundraiser” items to their online shopping cart and use the shared email address to send their preferred pet photograph.  For example, if a customer closes their shopping cart with two items they will send two individual pet photographs to be completed on two separate pieces of paper. An in-person check presentation is typically scheduled within the first two weeks of the following month for a photo opportunity and check to the organization delivered.  

Can I have two or more pets on one art piece?

For simplification purposes, it is one portrait per paper so it allows for a loose, expressive style and allows for the individual pet to have room to shine.

How do I preserve and share my portrait?

The pet illustrations are completed on 8” x 10” mixed media paper using a black marker and soft pastels preserved with a fixative spray and displayed in an archival plastic sleeve. Each portrait is ready for a standard frame if desired.

What can the pet rescue expect from Expressively You?

Will provide the following marketing materials:

  • Shared Canva Folder/Templates for the following

    • Album of Pet Illustration examples

    • Facebook Event Banner

    • Fundraiser Square Graphic

    • Fundraiser Poster

  • Shared Google Drive Folder:

    • Social Media Post Templates

    • Timelapse Video of the Creation of the select-inspired charity pet

  • Mailed example of select-inspired charity pet illustrated portrait sent to charity postal address on file.

  • Option of a Facebook Live collaboration with charity.

  • Weekly updates on the amount raised with the fundraiser.

What is highly recommended for a selected pet rescue:

  • Share at 1-3 times a week on social media platforms and in email/monthly newsletters.

  • Create a Facebook event for the fundraiser (may have to create two for the full duration of the month)

  • Cohost 30-minute Facebook Live to manage comments within the first week of the month with Expressively You to allow for community to ask questions and see illustrations in progress.

Do you have examples of rescues you have worked with in a high capacity? 

Regional and National pet rescues like English Springer Rescue Amerian and Golden Retriever Rescue America have been recipients. There is an understanding that when over 80 portraits come in an extended delivery time is expected to be within 30 days of ordering.

What considerations are when selecting pet rescues for the fundraiser?

The #1 consideration is the level of communication between the charity and the community along with the organization's fundraising goals shared in the application.

Does a charity have to reapply each year if wants to be considered?

Charities must apply using the Google form each year to be considered. Charities that have been recipients more than a year ago are encouraged to reapply to be considered.